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Naught to Sixty…Dating in the fast lane

0 – 60 in a few seconds may not be a phrase you readily associate with dating. Nevertheless, this statement may begin to take precedence as people embrace an effectively new twist on an old method. Could this ‘Ferrari style’ of dating be the next best thing?

A practice started by a Rabbi within the Jewish community, soon became a worldwide sensation with people signing up in their droves to ‘experience it’! The allure of engaging with more than a handful of potential dates all in one night, coupled with the possibility of meeting a prospective match, was all too much to resist.

Nonetheless, with an increased number of people seeking alternative routes to love, combined with the erroneous stigma that speed dating currently carries; some may argue that this once popular fad has somewhat declined in recent years.

Critics question whether one can truly get to know a person within a couple of minutes. How can you possibly make a concise decision with so little time? Or what are the odds that in one brief encounter, you could actually meet somebody that ticks majority of your boxes?

The question shouldn’t be ‘how’ but one of an optimistic ‘why not?’.
Having an expectant approach can change your outlook and outcome on the night, so the one thing we request is that participants come with an open mind, because amazing things can happen.

Additionally, research shows people decide whether or not they like someone within the first 30 seconds of meeting them. Armed with that knowledge, LoveSphere have taken a slightly different approach to speed dating.

Stirring away from the superficial, cliché and somewhat intrusive mode of initially trying to find out how much a person earns or what postcode they live in, with the aid of various props, we recommend dates try and get a basic understanding of the person(s) character within the first 60 seconds of the date; hence the name ‘Naught to Sixty’.

It only takes one encounter to turn your life around, so if you are bored of driving around the dating scene in a Ford Ka, and would rather have the super car experience of a Ferrari F12; then head on down to one of LoveSphere’s 0-60 fun filled, thrilling nights, where you’ll be thrust from naught to sixty in no time at all.

With the combination of our expertise, the relaxed atmosphere we endevour to create, and the friendly/ engaging people you are sure to meet, you’ve got nothing to lose and it’s guaranteed to have you wondering why you hadn’t tried it before.

So ditch the horse drawn cart, and jump onto what might just be the ride of your life. ‘Embrace’ 0-60 and ‘Experience’ LoveSphere!

Speed Dating